An explanation of North Carolina Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans Memorial and Defense Funds
The N.C. Sons of Confederate Veterans has two main funds concerning our veterans memorials. The following is an explanation of those funds and their purposes.
- The first fund we will discuss is the main focus of the website. The N.C. SCV Memorials Fund is not used for legal defense or any other purpose. The fund is used solely for building new and maintaining existing North Carolina memorials. You can donate to this fund here:
You can donate by Credit Card or PayPal via the Donate button or by mailing a check.
Donate by Credit Card or PayPal:
- The second fund we will discuss is the N.C. SCV Heritage Defense fund. This fund is used for many different defense related activities, but is primarily used for legal defense. If you wish to give to the legal defense of our memorials donate to this fund here:
To Donate to either N.C. SCV fund via check, write checks out to:
“N.C. Division SCV”
Write either “N.C. SCV Memorials” or “N.C. SCV Heritage Defense” on the memo line, so we know which fund to apply your funds to.
Mail checks to:
Matthew A. McGuigan
N.C. Division SCV
PO Box 72744
Durham, NC 27722
N.C. UDC Legal Defense Fund
- Our sisters in the North Carolina United Daughters of the Confederacy are also in the fight to save our heritage and our memorials. If you wish to donate to the N.C. UDC for the legal defense of our memorials you can donate to the N.C. UDC via the donate button on their website (near the bottom of their homepage.:
To Donate to the N.C. UDC’s Legal Defense fund via check, avoiding processing fees, the N.C. SCV will forward your check to the N.C. UDC.
Write checks out to:
“N.C. UDC Treasurer”
Write “Legal Defense” on the memo line.
Mail checks to:
Matthew A. McGuigan
N.C. Division SCV
PO Box 72744
Durham, NC 27722
The N.C. SCV will forward your check to the N.C. UDC.
If you wish to support our mission please consider a monetary donation to the N.C. SCV Memorials fund.
Donations to the North Carolina Division Sons of Confederate Veterans are fully tax deductible.